Talking about ADR
lawyer in the High Court of Kerala since 1991,
dealing with constitutional,
civil, banking,
and labor matters.
Acted as
arbitrator in
cases. Has authored a
on arbitration,
on Arbitration”,
with the Arbitration &
1996, (Indian
foreword of
which was written by
Mr. Justice K. S.
Court of
India. One of
the founder members of Indian Institute of Arbitration
& Mediation, is associated as the Director –
Administrator of the Institution.
Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation is
a fairly young ADR service provider established in the
summer of 2003. As IIAM approaches its first
anniversary, how would you describe its impact on the
legal and business communities of Bangalore,
Cochin…and elsewhere?
though arbitration was known to Indian legal and
business community, the concept of institutional
arbitration is relatively new. Arbitration under the
earlier Act, (Arbitration Act, 1940) had many
deficiencies to the effect that the court interferences
during and after the course of arbitration were numerous
and the very purpose of arbitration, being a fast and
fair process of dispute resolution, had serious
set-backs. This created a fair amount of hesitation and
apprehension in the legal and business communities to
opt for arbitration. Once a person gets into
it, he
it difficult to come
out of
He gets exhausted
financially and physically. In
fact the Supreme Court of India, while referring to the
1940 Act, observed that “the way in which the
proceedings under the Act are conducted and without an
exception challenged in courts, has made lawyers laugh
and legal philosophers weep” in view of “unending
prolixity, at every stage providing a legal trap to the
the enactment of the new Act (Arbitration &
Conciliation Act, 1996), which was based on the UN Model
law, almost all the defects were rectified and the ADR
system was improved. For the first time mediation was
given statutory recognition. But the adverse impact
created by the earlier Act had to be removed gradually
with awareness programs like seminars, workshops as well
as through write-ups and magazines. For this purpose
IIAM had conducted a number of seminars and is
publishing a bi-monthly magazine “The Indian
advantages of institutional arbitration and mediation is
now gradually accepted by the legal and business
community and institutional ADR is gaining recognition
as an effective alternative for dispute resolution. IIAM
is gaining the acceptance and confidence of the legal
and business community, because of its integrity,
expertise, impartiality, dispute resolution skills and
reputation. The institutional ADR provided by IIAM is
guided by its Rules, which provide an easy and
comprehensive procedure for the parties to adopt and the
same allows the parties to settle the issues finally
within a period of 6-10 months.
a bit over a billion inhabitants, India doubles the
population of all Spanish speaking countries combined.
The combined population of the European Union and the
United States of America does not either come close to
India’s. Let us move from the statistical concept
“population” to the more humane concept of
“people”. Generalizing permitting, how do the
Indian people take to ADR?
stated earlier the concept of dispute resolution outside
court was known to Indians from age-old times. In fact
the ADR system was practiced in ancient India in the
form of “Panchayat” system, where civil and family
disputes were resolved by elderly persons outside court.
But later on the concept of arbitration had a general
set-back due to lack of proper rules and guidelines and
allegations of bias and disproportionately huge expenses
involved in arbitration.
average litigant was
attuned to opt for arbitration.
had an image synonymous with obstructions,
costs and delays.
procedure was tedious and many times
took years for final
disputes. The new Act has brought about positive
changes and emergence of institutions regulating ADR
procedures, expenses and empanelling of accredited
arbitrators, hopefully has regained the lost confidence
in ADR system. IIAM is trying to popularise the concept
of institutional ADR by creating awareness and
generating confidence in the system.
2001, the 16th Law Commission of India issued
its 176th report on India’s Arbitration Act
of 1996. Justice M.J. Rao, President of the Commission,
presented the report and he was rather critical of
certain substantive and procedural aspects of the
current Act [see report].
Additionally, and also in 2001, a bill was introduced in
Congress to amend the 1996 Act. Three years later the
Act has not been amended, although amending it continues
being the subject of intense debate. As far as
procedure is concerned, and from your standpoint as ADR
case managers, does current ADR practice in
warrant amending the Act? What in your opinion, if
anything, needs improvement?
on the demand from various quarters of professionals and
business community, the Hon’ble Minister for Law,
Justice & Company Affairs, requested the Law
to suggest amendments to
the 1996 Act. It was based on this that the Law
Commission issued the 176th report on the Arbitration
& Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2001. It is
understood that the Bill is now sent
to the Standing Committee and opinions are called for
from judges of
Court and
1996 Act was the result of
recommendations for
particularly in
the matter of
speeding up
the arbitration process and
intervention by
the court. But
even now there are certain areas which requires
improvement and the Law Commission has given
recommendations to rectify these defects. As far as IIAM
is concerned, the time limit for arbitration proceedings
is already fixed as per the IIAM Arbitration Rules and
the same allows the parties to settle the issues finally
within a period of 6-10 months. But fixation of time is
required to be made in the Act in the case of ad-hoc
arbitrations. Further, amendment is also required for
fixing time limits for challenge procedures in court and
also for easy execution procedures.
a particular substantive aspect of the Act, it is
suggested that the very concept of “international
arbitration” be clarified and redefined. Specifically,
it has been openly suggested that the term
“international” not be applicable to foreign companies
if they do business in India through duly incorporated
branches or subsidiaries in India. Always careful of the
word “assume”, it can be reasonably concluded that India
wishes to exercise greater control over what it does not
necessarily consider “foreign arbitral awards” by
turning them “domestic”. Widespread debate, or
isolated suggestion? How does IIAM see the future of
international arbitration in India?
Commercial Arbitration was not dealt with in 1940 Act.
The definition of ‘international commercial arbitration’
under Section 2 (1) (f) of the 1996 Act shows that it is
akin to a ‘foreign award’ defined under Section 44 of
the Act if one of the parties to the arbitration
agreement is an individual who is a national of, or
habitually resident in, any country other than India or
a body corporate incorporated in any other country or a
company or an association or a body of individuals whose
central management and control is exercised in any
country other than India or the Government of a foreign
country. In other words, if one of the parties to
the agreement is an Indian and the other party a
foreigner, either by its nationality or its
incorporation as a body corporate or its management and
control is exercised in any other country or it is the
Government of a foreign country, it will be styled as
‘international commercial arbitration.’ At the same
time, the arbitration pursuant to such an agreement may
take place in India or outside. If it takes place
in India the resultant award would be considered as a
‘domestic award’ and would be governed by the provisions
of Part I of 1996 Act. On the other hand, if the
arbitration takes places outside India the resultant
award would be a ‘foreign award’ governed by the
provisions of Part II of 1996 Act.
international business and investments has drastically
increased in India, in case India becomes the hub of
international commercial arbitrations it will reduce
arbitration costs of parties, who presently sustain
heavy expenditure on account of arbitrations conducted
abroad. It is therefore advisable for a foreigner
governed by the international commercial arbitration
under the 1996 Act of India to prefer India as the place
of arbitration so that resultant award would be
considered as domestic award and avoid risks and hurdles
on the way of a foreign award for enforcement as
provided under Part II of the 1996 Act. The requirement
for bringing in such international arbitrations depends
on the availability of institutions with international
standards, which can provide internationally approved
infrastructure, qualified and accredited arbitrators and
expertise professional assistance. IIAM is striving to
achieve this object and is entering into mutual
co-operation agreements with various international
institutions all over the world, whereby IIAM could
offer such facilities to their clients as well.
Attorneys are a key element to the utilization of ADR.
How they feel about it does in fact sway business people
one way or the other. On the other hand, there is no ADR
provider to our knowledge that feels that ADR is an easy
sell. About attorneys in India
specifically, do they tend to resist or embrace
institutional ADR if proposed?
It is
true that attorneys are a key element to the utilization
of ADR. As I have stated earlier the 1940 Act was in
place for such a long period that it is still in the
mind of senior attorneys and their first reaction to ADR
is based on that Act. But trends are changing for good.
Of course new generation attorneys are supporting ADR
system and are advising business people to opt for it.
They see many advantages to institutional ADR system,
being fast, fair, confidential and more importantly
maintaining the good business relationship. The hostile
atmosphere of courts are driving the business community
to prefer institutional ADR, where they could sort out
their disputes and differences in a more friendly and
congenial atmosphere and continue their business
unaffected by any hostility. Attorneys also tend to
support this system in the developing business
In the end, ADR is an attractive alternative if the
Judiciary allows it be so. Do you see the Judiciary
in India
inclined to favor the continued growth of ADR, whether
domestic or international? What concerns, if any, has it
expressed since the enactment of the 1996 Arbitration
A. The
1996 Act makes it mandatory for the courts to refer the
parties to arbitration, if the dispute raised by the
parties is the subject matter of an arbitration
agreement. The Act makes it clear that no judicial
authority shall intervene unless otherwise provided in
the Act. The Act also gives more authority to the
arbitral tribunal, taking away much of the powers given
to the courts under the 1940 Act. Thus the statute as
well as the courts give a positive nod in favour of ADR
after the new Act.
regular court litigations in which there is no specific
clause for ADR, substantial changes were brought about
recently. Towards
the end of 1980’s when cases pending in different courts
of India crossed twenty five million and the need to get
away from the traditional conception that court is the
only place to settle disputes was severely felt, the
Government of India constituted Justice
Malimath Committee, which on the recommendations
of the Chief Justices’ Conference, made a number of
recommendations in its Report. The Report emphasized the
desirability of disputants taking advantage of
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which provided
procedural flexibility, saved valuable time and money
and avoided the stress of a conventional
ADR is
seen as part of a system designed to meet the needs of
consumers of justice, especially in the context of
recent reforms in the economic sector. Civil Procedure
Code (Amendment) Act, 1999 by virtue of Clause 7
provided for settlement of disputes outside the court
based on the recommendations made by Law Commission of
India and Malimath Committee. The latter even
recommended to make it obligatory for the court
to refer the dispute, after issues are framed, for
settlement either by way of arbitration, conciliation,
mediation, judicial settlement or through Lok Adalat. To
that end, the statute has introduced Order X by the
Amendment Act, 1999. Rule 1A provides that after
recording the admissions and denials, the court shall
direct the parties to the suit to opt either mode of the
settlement outside the court as specified in sub-section
(1) of section 89 i.e. arbitration, conciliation,
judicial settlement including settlement through Lok
Adalat or mediation. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of
India has opined, “It is quite obvious that the
reason why Section 89 has been inserted is to try and
see that all the cases which are filled in Court need
not necessarily be decided by the Court itself.
Keeping in mind the laws delays and the limited number
of Judges, which are available, it has now become
imperative that resort should be had to Alternative
Dispute Resolution Mechanism with a view to bring to an
end litigation between the parties at an early
Institute of Arbitration & Mediation, under the able
guidance of Hon’ble Mr. Justice M.N. Venkatachalaiah,
Former Chief Justice of India and Former Chairman of the
National Human Rights Commission is striving to achieve
its focused objective of becoming one of the best ADR
Institutions in the world. After the recent economic
reforms and the enormous foreign investments in India,
India is fast developing into a center for international
business. IIAM is trying to have mutual co-operation
with all major ADR institutions of the world to have a
network, whereby international arbitrations could be
done effectively with less expense. IIAM is
striving hard to make India a center for international
arbitration with international standards.
I take
this opportunity to thank ARyME for giving this
opportunity to introduce and explain the activities of
Anil Xavier
- Administrator Indian
Institute of Arbitration and Mediation (IIAM) May,
