Paper Reports

Newspaper report in "The Hindu Business Line" titled "Conflict Management Cell Launched" about the launch of “Cochin Chamber Conflict Management Cell” in partnership with IIAM.
The Times of India [24/06/2014]Newspaper report in "The Times of India" titled "Centre set up to solve legal disputes", on the inauguration of the Goa Community Mediation Centre.
Deccan Herald [24/06/2014]Newspaper report in "Deccan Herald" titled "Mediation Centre inaugurated", on the inauguration of the Goa Community Mediation Centre.
The Navhind Times [23/06/2014]Newspaper report in "The Navhind Times" titled "Mediation Centres can help settle pending cases: SC Judge", on the inauguration of the Goa Community Mediation Centre.
Gomantak Times [23/06/2014]Newspaper report in "Gomantak Times" titled "Goa has a mediation Centre", on the inauguration of the Goa Community Mediation Centre.
The New Indian Express [26/04/2013]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "Mediation Clinics prove to be Effective in Solving Disputes", on the success of the IIAM Community Mediation Clinics.
The New Indian Express [15/10/2012]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "Community Mediation Clinics Launched" about the launch of IIAM Community Mediation Clinics in Kerala by the Chief Justice.
The Hindu [13/10/2012]Newspaper report in "The Hindu" titled "Community Mediation Clinics Launched" about the launch of IIAM Community Mediation Clinics in Kerala by the Chief Justice.
The New Indian Express [09/10/2012]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "IIAM to set up Community Mediation Clinics in State" about the launch of IIAM Community Mediation Clinics in Kerala.
Times of India [28/09/2008]Newspaper report in the "Times of India" titled "Stop courting trouble, approach a Mediator" on how mediators can resolve disputes and prevent cases from reaching the courts, saving time and money.
The Economic Times [08/02/2007]Newspaper report in "The Economic Times" titled "Arbitration School to start new chapters, ADR courses" on the activities of IIAM.
The New Indian Express [04/05/2006]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" on the office bearers of the Mediators' Council of India.
The Hindu [04/04/2006]Newspaper report in "The Hindu" titled "Learn to mediate and resolve disputes" on opportunities by IIAM to specialize on ADR.
The New Indian Express [30/03/2006]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "Make Arbitration system more effective: CJ" on the inauguration of Mediators Council of India.
The Week [05/03/2006]Magazine write-up in "The Week" titled "Solve it yourself" about the advantages of mediation.
The New Indian Express [25/02/2006]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "IIAM invites Diploma, PG applications" on the courses offered by IIAM in association with Hamline University School of Law, USA.
The New Indian Express [07/02/2006]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "US Diploma/Post Graduation at IIAM" on the courses offered by IIAM in association with Hamline University School of Law, USA.
The Hindu [09/12/2005]Newspaper report in "The Hindu" titled "Stress on Role of Mediation" about the advantages of mediation.
The Pioneer [19/05/2005]Newspaper report in "The Pioneer" titled "Arbitration can clear court backlog" about the advantages of arbitration.
The Hindu [06/05/2005]Newspaper report in "The Hindu" titled "Advantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution Stressed" on the inauguration of the training program conducted by IIAM.
The New Indian Express [06/05/2005]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "Delay in Justice delivery will affect Investment chances" on the Mediation training program conducted by IIAM.
The New Indian Express [25/04/2005]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "Got a dispute? Here’s how to resolve it", on the training program by the institution in association with the European Training Team.
The Hindu [11/03/2005]Newspaper report in "The Hindu" titled "Arbitration ideal for business disputes settlement" on the Seminar conducted by IIAM.
The New Indian Express [08/03/2005]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" about the seminar on Mediation for Business Disputes conducted by IIAM and Hamline University School of Law at Cochin.
Central Chronicle [06/12/2004]Newspaper report in "Central Chronicle" titled "International Mediator Training Programme in Kochi" on the joint venture training program by IIAM and European Training Team.
The Hindu [05/12/2004]Newspaper report in "The Hindu" titled "International Mediator Training Programme in Kochi" on the joint venture training program by IIAM and European Training Team.
The Hindu [05/12/2004]Newspaper report in "The Hindu" titled "Global Mediator Training Programme in Kochi" on the joint venture training program by IIAM and European Training Team.
The New Indian Express [19/11/2004]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "International Mediator Training Program" on the joint venture training program by IIAM and European Training Team.
The Times of India [12/02/2004]Newspaper report in "The Times of India" titled "UK, India decide to build dispute bridges" on the mutual tie up with ADR Chambers (UK) and IIAM.
Vijay Times [16/08/2003]Newspaper report in "Vijay Times of India" on the launching of the news magazine by the institution.
The World Trade Review [16/07/2003]Newspaper report in "The World Trade Review" titled "Don't wash your dirty linen in public", on the activities of the institution.
The Economic Times [27/06/2003]Newspaper report in "The Economic Times" titled "Dispute settlement too goes private", on the activities of the institution.
The New Indian Express [24/11/2002]Newspaper report in "The New Indian Express" titled "Arbitration best method to settle business dispute", on the Seminar conducted by the institution.
Deccan Herald [24/11/2002]Newspaper report in "Deccan Herald" titled "Arbitral judicial system can be alternative to regular courts", on the seminar conducted by the institution.